Load shedding means the discontinuity of supply of electricity
for short or long time. It is a great problem in our country. Now-a- days
it has become a part of our daily time. There are many reasons for load
shedding . The insufficient production of the electricity is the main reason of
it. Misuse and illegal connection of
electricity are the other reasons of load shedding. It occurs mostly at night
because the demand of electricity is more at night than day. It causes many
other problems. Mills, factories, shops, hospitals, houses all fall victim to
it. The sufferings of students know no bound. They sit in the darkness closing
books during load shedding. The patients suffer because operation stops in
hospitals for load shedding. Load shedding at night encourage the thieves.
Domestic life becomes painful. The food kept in refrigeration get
rotten. In fact, load shedding causes great sufferings to the people. However,
this problem should be solved at any cost. An all out effort should be made to
stop load shedding.